Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tomorrow never comes...

I've wondered how to get out of boredom...
I know I aint doing enough to feel excited...kinda stuck with the daily routine...kinda bored with the mundane living...

It isn't so tough to break the routine, it isn't so hard to feel excited again... but I feel like waiting for tomorrow... to feel excited...to live life again...

I chalk out a plan, I schedule my day well.... but the plan remains a plan and it hardly gets executed...!

It's so easy to live like this...the longer I live this way...the tougher it is to come out of it...
I know all that, but I still wait for that elusive 'tomorrow'....which I keep pushing a day away...!

I keep reminding myself that this isn't how I want to be, this isn't how I care to live....
I get a 'sleepy' response from inside... which says 'it isn't tomorrow yet' so chill and relax!!!

Reminds me of an inspiring quote I heard in my previous office which was something on the lines of:
"Look around... smile at your friends today, talk to them now... don't wait for tomorrow...tomorrow is a myth...
All you have is today...all you have is now...there is nothing called tomorrow and it never comes..."

So wake up my friend and start living...coz you know you are not so boring!